Prof. Lee’s group in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Colorado Denver is eager to contributing indispensable high-throughput tools for analyzing biochemical/biophysical data and making technological breakthroughs towards a better understanding of protein 3D structures in terms of their roles and behaviors in biological context. He is a developer of popular analytic software tools such as NMRFAM-SPARKY, I-PINE, PONDEROSA-C/S, PACSY, etc and majority of them are considered the `field standards.’ He is also an author of many Protein Data Bank (PDB) and Biological Magnetic Resonance Bank (BMRB) entries related to the common cold, Ebola, Wilson’s disease, protein folding mechanisms, etc. The group comprises a development team working on innovative methods and tools to understand the structures and functions of a biomolecule and a research team utilizing them to extract a scientific meaning at the molecular level. The PI always enjoys talking to self-motivated researchers.