카카오 계정과 연동하여 게시글에 달린
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가장 핫한 댓글은?

싱가포르 NTU 난양공대-A*STAR 박사과정 대학원생 모집




PhD positions are available at the Leow research group in ISCE2, A*STAR and Nanyang Technological University!

Replacing traditional fossil-based feedstocks with clean and replenishable ones can cut emissions and promote sustainability. Here, we use electricity to turn CO2 and biomass to valuable chemicals and fuels. We seek to understand the dynamic reaction environment, design better electrocatalysts, and build innovative reactor configurations. If you have a strong passion to protect our environment, do join our mission to innovate sustainable tech for a better world! If interested, please contact me at wanru.leow@ntu.edu.sg

More information can be found in https://leowresearch.wixsite.com/sustainablecatalysis

※ Recruitment Details

1. Detailed Research Areas and Research Achievements (Ongoing Tasks)

· Electro/photo-chemical upgrading of small molecules
· Electrochemical valorization of CO2 and alt feedstocks
· Reaction mechanism study
· Systems engineering for efficient performance

2. Recruitment Process and Personnel

Please directly contact Dr. Leow (wanru.leow@ntu.edu.sg).

3. Required Documents

· Curriculum vitae and transcripts.

4. Support Details (Benefits)

The scholarship provides support for up to 4 years of PhD studies including:

· Tuition fees
· Monthly stipend of S$2,700 which will be increased to S$3,200 after the passing of the Qualifying Examination*
· One-time airfare grant of up to S$1,500
· One-time settling-in allowance of S$1,000

5. Screening Schedule

We are looking for PhD candidates for January and August 2025 intakes.

카카오 계정과 연동하여 게시글에 달린
댓글 알람, 소식등을 빠르게 받아보세요

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