카카오 계정과 연동하여 게시글에 달린
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Recruiting Computer Science Ph.D. Students at Syracuse University




- Research area: Data storage systems
- PI: Bryan S. Kim (bkim01@syr.edu)
- Webpage: https://web.ecs.syr.edu/~bkim01/

We are looking for highly motivated and talented students interested in high-impact research in data storage systems. Our current research directions include, but are not limited to, (1) systems for machine learning, (2) next-generation data-centric systems, (3) domain-specific storage stack, and (4) new system abstractions and interfaces for data storage.

We actively pursue top-tier systems venues such as SOSP, FAST, ODSI, ATC, and EuroSys, and provide ample support and funding for our students. Students with a strong background in computer architecture and/or operating systems would excel with us.

Please visit our webpage (https://web.ecs.syr.edu/~bkim01/) for more information on funding and publications, and I would be happy to respond to any inquiries sent to my e-mail (bkim01@syr.edu).

카카오 계정과 연동하여 게시글에 달린
댓글 알람, 소식등을 빠르게 받아보세요

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